E-Course & Resources

You may not be ready to dive into therapy, and that is OKAY!

E-Course and Resources

If you aren’t quite ready to start therapy, it is OKAY!

Beginning therapy can be difficult. You might feel vulnerable and wonder if it is something you should invest in yet.

This is why I have created an E-Course to share with you that you can work on at your own pace!

I also want to provide you reading material that you can utilize on your own that may help in your self-growth journey. Though, this comes with a disclaimer: I often am told from clients that they found some self-help books difficult to make progress with due to certain blocks or misunderstandings. If this is the case for you, then therapy may be a great additional tool to utilize with the self-help books!

Why the E-Course might be right for you:

  • Not quite ready to start therapy yet

  • Want to learn tools to incorporate into daily life

  • Enjoy self-learning and self-direction

What you can expect to get out of this E-Course:

  • Learn ways to incorporate more positive emotions into daily life

  • Identify skills, strengths, positive traits that are unique to you

  • Gain insight into ways to build HAPPINESS, contentment, joy

  • Adapt new habits benefiting you and your well-being (mentally, emotionally, and physically)

  • and more!

Reading Materials

Below you will find various reading materials that are therapist-recommended. I have compiled a list for you from myself and other therapists. These materials are often encouraged inside and outside of the therapy room.

*affiliate links may be included in these materials. For more details about affiliate links, please see below.

Reading Materials Recommended by Therapists

Now Available!

*FREE* Handouts and Worksheets are available!

One way to give to the community is to provide FREE resources. Here in the “shop” you will find several FREE resources.

In the future there will also be options of low cost worksheets that you will be able to download and use. There will be a mix of free and low cost handouts available to you throughout!

Spreading awareness and making change for the better.

Education = Empowerment.
Action = Growth and Change

*Affiliate links may be provided through the content. With affiliate links, it is possible that I will gain a percentage of the purchase at NO extra cost to you.


Contact us.

If you have questions, comments, concerns

or are ready to begin the counseling process, reach out!